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Whats on where

As we get set for THE drift event to kick off the season in style, we can now show you a sight plan so you know whats on where!

As you can see, as you arrive at the venue you will collect your tickets at the security hut when you arrive.

Make sure you have your order number with you.

If you are spectating, follow the signs for the spectator parking, this will lead you to the rear of the main grandstand.

In the middle of the main grandstand you will find the wonderful Diner that will be serving refreshments all weekend long.

There is a pedestrian walkway under the grandstand which will give you access to the inner pit area. Make sure you check out the view from the top of the pit garages!

In Garage 25/26/27 you will find the RC drift track set up, this will be a 1/10th scale replica of the Outer Paddock and HEL DriftCup track! If you have an RC drift car, bring it with you and have a go! There will be cars for you to have a go!

The half pipe will be set up in the inner paddock area where Webbie and his crew will be doing their thing!

From 16:30 the car park out side the welcome centre will become the Triple Drift paddock area,  make sure you leave this area free for the competitors!

After that there will be THE party in the Welcome Centre, Mike Lewis will be on hand playing some banging tunes until late!

On Sunday, HEL Performance DriftCup will get under way from 09:00 with practice! See the talent of tomorrow today!

Its going to be a fantastic weekend and an event NOT to be missed!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Whats going on!

As the event gets closer and closer, we can let you know what is going on at what times.

There will be drifting ALL day on both Saturday and Sunday!

RC drifting in garage 25/26/27

Mark Webb and his crew on a half pipe in the inner paddock area

The Team Triple Drift competition on Saturday evening

THE drift party in the Welcome Centre

On Sunday its more drifting on the Oval and Infield

Round one of HEL DriftCup in the outer paddock, who will make the grade and be eligible to take part in the British Drift Championship later in the month

Its going to be a weekend to remember!

Get your discounted tickets from the shop before they are removed on Thursday!

Tickets will be available on the gate. 


We are giving away TWO free ticket to attend the Spring Matsuri at Rockingham Motor Speedway!

To enter the competition, go to our Facebook page HERE!
We have pinned the poster below to the top of the page.
Simply LIKE – SHARE – Post a comment that you have shared it!
We will pick one lucky winner who will receive TWO free tickets to attend the event FREE OF CHARGE!

Make sure you follow us on Instagram too @DriftMatsuri
We will be doing live sessions from the event – Not to be missed as ANYTHING could happen!

The Webbie Show comes to the Spring Matsuri!

If you are interested in drifting, then you can not fail to have noticed the rise to fame of Mark Webb.

The 2016 DriftCup champion won the title with a round to spare. With the standard so high in the series, his results have catapulted him into the spot light.

Webbie is no stranger to the spot light, having become one of the most influential and progressive BMX riders over the last decade.

He has won many competitions, including the International X Games and the Mini discipline at the BMX Masters in Cologne, Germany in 2008. In 2009 he competed for the first time on the Dew Tour in the US, where he made jaws drop with his creative style and incredible technical moves – following a third-place finish at the final stage in Orlando, he finished the Tour in fourth place overall.

His bag of tricks is packed with technical, daring and complex moves, particularly on the mini-ramp and box jump – he landed the world’s first decade 360, and casually executed a 360-tailwhip-to-footjam-nosepick in practice on the Dew Tour in 2009. In recent years, he has set the internet alight with some crazy videos packed full of unique tricks – a number of Webb edits have racked up more than a million views.

We are delighted to tell you that Mark will be at the Spring Matsuri! Not only is he drifting over the weekend, but we will have a half pipe in the paddock area for Mark to show a little of what he is capable of on his BMX!

The ramp will be open both days, not just for Webbie, but for anyone that brings their own bike to have a ride! So if you have a scooter, skate board or BMX, get your self a ticket and come and be apart of the Spring Matsuri 2017!

Tickets can be found here  > Drift Matsuri shop

Radio controlled drift cars!

We are pleased to announce we will have a radio controlled drift track in operation all weekend!

If you have never seen radio controlled drifting, you are missing out!

The amount of detail that goes in to the tracks and cars is outstanding!

They will have not one but two tracks in operation. If you are an RC drifter, bring your car with you and have a go! You may be invited on to the main circuit to show your skills to everyone!

The tracks will be run in association with GetYourDriftOn

Make sure you come and check it out, there may even be a chance for you to have a go!


The Spring Matsuri 2017 will feature a Team Triple Drift competition that will take place in the Outer Paddock on Saturday evening.

The competition is open to an drivers who are taking part in the event, this include DriftCup drivers.

If there is an overwhelming demand, there will be a Facebook live session to pick the teams that will take part in the event.

The competition will have a judge over seeing the competition, however the CROWD will be the main judges! We expect people to bring airhorns, whistles and anything else that will make lots of noise to cheer on their favorite team.

If you are driving at the event, the application form can be found here > Spring Matsuri Team Event application form.

Will your team be crowned Spring Matsuri Team Event Champions 2017?

Drivers you have email!

Ladies and gents!

If you were one of the lucky ones who purchased a place for the 2017 Spring Matsuri at Rockingham Motor Speedway, you should now have an email.

If you can not find it in your inbox, please check in your spam and junk mail before contacting us.

Please remember, if you have booked more than one driver ticket, we need the names of the additional drivers! If not, that/those drivers will not gain entry to the venue and will not be on our list of drivers.

We have an announcement coming tonight (19th Feb) at 8pm on our Facebook page that you will not want to miss!

More details are to follow in the run up to the event!

Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Instagram @driftmatsuri

Spring Matsuri 2017 details

With the date now set in your diary, time for some information.

The details you all need for the event are as follows:

Tickets will go on sale on Sunday the 12th February 2017 at 8pm.

There will be a two types of driver tickets for Saturday;

  • The first will be for the Outer Paddock area ONLY. This will be the same track as used for round one of DriftCup on Sunday. A bespoke layout which will encourage proximity drifting. Places will be limited to ensure plenty of seat time for all – £99
  • The second driver ticket will be for the Infield and Oval layouts – £179

Sunday and weekend tickets;

  • You will be able to buy a driver ticket for Sunday – £179
  • A discounted driver ticket for the weekend – £340
  • Garages (24 available) that holds two cars for the weekend with access from Friday £100
  • A weekend spectator tickets will be £30 if bought in advance from the website.  £35 on the gate
  • A Sunday spectator ticket will be £16.50 if bought in advance from the website. £20 on the gate
  • Passenger wristbands will be available for sale at £25 per day
  • Additional drivers will be charged £50 per day

Camping is free of charge for all

Drivers, if you buy two tickets or someone else pays for your ticket, you MUST tell us the drivers name. Tickets WILL BE REFUNDED if we are not told within 14 days!

Driver tickets are not to be sold or transferred. The person named must be the driver on the day. There will be a reserve list set up for those who miss out on buying a ticket.


If you fail to secure a ticket, we will be operating a reserve list, to be placed on the reserve list you must send a message to us via the Drift Matsuri facebook page. Drivers will be placed on the list in the order of request.

The reserve list will not be started until all places have been sold.


All driver and garage tickets:

A 75% refund will be granted up to and including Sunday the 5th March 2017.

No refunds will be offered after Sunday the 5th March 2017.

All spectator tickets are none refundable.

The event will run an open pit lane policy on all tracks.

There will be a radio controlled drift track operating within one of the garages. If you have a radio controlled drift car then make sure you bring it with you.

Refreshments will be available on site in the cafe.

The event is for EVERYONE, whether you are drifting or not, this is the event to be at!

Cars do not need to be caged and drivers of any level are welcome due to the nature of four different tracks.

Helmets and seat belts are mandatory.

Car specification:

  • No oil or fluid leaks will be tolerated.
  • All vehicles must have front and rear functional tow hooks or straps present. BMW OEM screw-in tow hooks are not acceptable as they shear when pulled at an angle. If towing hooks/straps are not fitted, cars will be recovered by whatever means necessary and RDDAYS cannot be held liable for any damage caused.
  • All vehicles must be maintained to a satisfactory standard.
  • The noise limit is 105 DB at three-quarters throttle in a static test.
  • Cars must have at least 2 working rear brake lights.
  • Cars must start the day with both front and rear bumpers fitted.
  • Cars must have headlights or headlight covers and tail lights fitted into the factory positions and in reasonable condition.
  • Cars must have all factory glass or Perspex replacement windows (driver and passenger window glass can be replaced by approved netting).
  • Cars must have all panels present (including bonnet) and in reasonable condition without any sharp edges.
  • Rude or offensive stickers/number plates must not be fitted.
  • Cars may be subject to checks by RDDAYS staff at any point during an event and may be prohibited from using the track until any faults are rectified.
  • All decisions by RDDAYS staff are final.
  • Have a 1kg hand held fire extinguisher fitted


Spring Matsuri – When and where!

We can reveal the Spring Matsuri will return to Rockingham Motor Speedway on Saturday and Sunday the 11th and 12th March 2017!

The venue hosted the first ever #SpringMatsuri in 2016 and was an incredible event!


The Infield is ultra high speed and rewards the brave!

The Oval will offer an exclusive layout only used at the Spring Matsuri. The concrete blocks on the pit exit are moved to allow drivers to drift into the pit lane!

The rear of the Oval will be changed from the regular track used at Rockingham Drift Days. Use of the inner and outer walls will transform the layout!

For 2017 there will be a fourth track in operation on Saturday! The Outer paddock will be exclusive for those who wish to practice twinning and proximity drifting! Whether its your first time drifting or you have been drifting for years, this is the track for you! This will be sold as a different ticket for those with a tighter budget and those who wish to practice twinning and proximity rather than high speed drifting the other parts of the Matsuri offer.

Full details of how much places will be, when and how to book a ticket will be announced on Friday the 6th January at 8pm!

In the mean time, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @driftmatsuri for images from the #SpringMatsuri2016 and #Driftmatsuri2017

We would like to wish you all a very Happy Driftmas and a fantastic new year!

Spring Matsuri confirmed

The Drift Matsuri at Anglesey was simply incredible!

Its is with great pleasure we can now announce that there will be a Spring Matsuri in 2017!

We cannot wait to tell you more details, we will be announcing more on our Facebook page in the next few weeks!

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram where we feature pictures from previous Matsuri events – @driftmatsuri
